24.P/GeoAccess/VII/2019 | Andi Syaiful Huda | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Kemari - Yogyakarta |
25.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2019 | Novi Milawati | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Kemari - Yogyakarta |
26.P/GeoAccess/IX/2019 | Pramadania Agustine | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room GeoAccess Indonesia - Bantul |
29.P/GeoAccess/X/2019 | Heri Prabowo, S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar-Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room The Cabin Hotel - Yogyakarta |
30.P/GeoAccess/X/2019 | Adree Octova, S.Si., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar-Lanjutan | Karst Survey | Meeting Room The Cabin Hotel - Yogyakarta |
31.P/GeoAccess/X/2019 | Dedi Yulhendra, S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar-Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room The Cabin Hotel - Yogyakarta |
33.P/GeoAccess/XI/2019 | Dede Ramdhan Andriana | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Kemari Space - Yogyakarta |
34.P/GeoAccess/XI/2019 | Try Udjang Ismail | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room GeoAccess Indonesia - Bantul |
35.P/GeoAccess/XII/2020 | Zuzailia Nadia Ningrum | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Kemari - Yogyakarta |
36.P/GeoAccess/XII/2020 | Zuzailia Nadia Ningrum | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Kemari - Yogyakarta |
37.P/GeoAccess/XII/2020 | Muhammad Gunadhi Rahmadi | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Kemari - Yogyakarta |
163.P/GeoAccess/VII/2020 | Khozinatul Asror | Remote Sensing (Drone) | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
228.P/GeoAccess/X/2020 | Riqqah Belona Taswin | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Google Meet |
232.P/GeoAccess/XI/2020 | Achmad Farlan Tamher Sirua | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
249.P/GeoAccess/XI/2020 | Ahmad Fajar Maulana | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
250.P/GeoAccess/XI/2020 | Jaromansen Damanik | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
252.P/GeoAccess/XII/2020 | Raizar Mahabbatan | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Google Meet |
253.P/GeoAccess/XII/2020 | Raizar Mahabbatan | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Google Meet |
259.P/GeoAccess/I/2021 | Usman Rahdi | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
269.P/GeoAccess/I/2021 | Muhammad Raja Doli Siregar | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
270.P/GeoAccess/I/2021 | Muhammad Raja Doli Siregar | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
271.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Najmuddin Haikal Fikri | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
272.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Najmuddin Haikal Fikri | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
273.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Yuniar Pratiwi | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
274.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Yuniar Pratiwi | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
307.P/GeoAccess/III/2021 | Iqbal Andra Santana | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
308.P/GeoAccess/III/2021 | Iqbal Andra Santana | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
311.P/GeoAccess/III/2021 | Riyan Eko Prasetiyo | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
312.P/GeoAccess/IV/2021 | Nizar Nur Wicaksono | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
323.P/GeoAccess/IV/2021 | Faishal Jamil Fadhilah | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
325.P/GeoAccess/IV/2021 | Mochammad Indra Alamsyah | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
326.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Mochammad Indra Alamsyah | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geologi Struktur | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
327.P/GeoAccess/IV/2021 | Raffani Rasyid | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geologi Struktur | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
328.P/GeoAccess/IV/2021 | Farid Hendra Pradana | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
348.P/GeoAccess/VI/2021 | Titik Nur Ariski | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
349.P/GeoAccess/VI/2021 | Farid Hendra Pradana | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
354.P/GeoAccess/VI/2021 | Emmanuel Gumilanggeng | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
355.P/GeoAccess/VI/2021 | Emmanuel Gumilanggeng | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
362.P/GeoAccess/VII/2021 | Umbara Sakti Mihardja | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
363.P/GeoAccess/VII/2021 | Raizar Mahabbatan | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
369.P/GeoAccess/VII/2021 | Dennis Albihad | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
371.P/GeoAccess/VII/2021 | Lutfi Fauzan | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
372.P/GeoAccess/VII/2021 | Lutfi Fauzan | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
373.P/GeoAccess/VII/2021 | Nurwan Muchammad Iqbal | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
374.P/GeoAccess/VII/2021 | Nurwan Muchammad Iqbal | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
384.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2021 | Garindia Grandis | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
385.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2021 | Garindia Grandis | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
388.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2021 | Arip Nurrohman | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
398.P/GeoAccess/IX/2021 | Wisnu Kuncoro | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
399.P/GeoAccess/IX/2021 | Wisnu Kuncoro | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
411.P/GeoAccess/IX/2021 | Dita Rahmawati | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
414.P/GeoAccess/IX/2021 | Rizky Siahaan | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
425.P/GeoAccess/X/2021 | Septy Maulidyawati | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
426.P/GeoAccess/X/2021 | Septy Maulidyawati | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
427.P/GeoAccess/X/2021 | Novia Eka Piolan | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
428.P/GeoAccess/X/2021 | Noldi Robby | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
429.P/GeoAccess/X/2021 | Noldi Robby | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
487.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Yudhian Aditya Prasetya | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
488.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Yudhian Aditya Prasetya | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
490.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | M. Robby | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
511.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Taufik Hidayat | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
512.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Taufik Hidayat | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
513.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Muhammad Hamzah | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
514.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Muhammad Reihan Saputra | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
515.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Dias Fahmi Fajrin | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
516.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Lutfi Fauzan | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
517.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Donitius Prasdika Wicaksono | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
518.P/GeoAccess/XI/2021 | Kania Mahasti A.P. | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
529.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Azhari Al Kautsar | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
530.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Azhari Al Kautsar | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
537.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Aulia Q. Y. | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
538.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Sholahuddin Hafidz | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
539.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Sholahuddin Hafidz | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
546.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Arsent Medyna Ramsya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
547.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Fluordy E. Nahumury | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
548.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Dias Fahmi Fajrin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
549.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Sukma Amalia Septiani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
550.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Shandi hargian | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
551.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Mardhiawan Tri Susetyono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
552.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | I Putu Harianja Prayogo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
553.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Muhammad Faris Najib | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
554.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Mohamad Chairuman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
555.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Usman Rahdi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
556.P/GeoAccess/XII/2021 | Alkan Ichlasul Hibatullah | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
003.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Abdullah Bayuwotjo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
004.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Made Widya Jayantari, ST., MT | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
005.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Atut Pindarwati | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
006.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Zidna Sabiila Husna | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
007.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Mauludin Kurniawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
008.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Bima Susantika Perkasa Pribadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
009.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Andi Ihsan Idris, S.Hut | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
010.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Reski kurniawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
011.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Imam Fadhlurrahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
012.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Taly Purwa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
013.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Ahmad Taufik | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
014.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Try Udjang Ismail | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
015.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Fika Nurul Falah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
016.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Adhitya Ferdiansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
017.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Muhammad Dika Oktoberdinata | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
018.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Fajar Djihad | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
019.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Dwi Millenia Ariyani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
020.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Sudarsono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
021.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Ghalbi Mahendra Putra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
022.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Salsha Firsty Agustina | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
023.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Intan Khaeruli Fathilda | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
024.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Hanifah Ainur Dienna | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
025.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Nanda Satya Nugraha, S.Hut, M.Sc | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | From GIS to Remote Sensing | Zoom Meeting |
026.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Firman Afrianto, S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Remote Sensing | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
045.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Dwi Sugma Safitri | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
046.P/GeoAccess/I/2022 | Dwi Sugma Safitri | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
066.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Ida Bagus Oka Agastya | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
067.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Efrinda Ari Ayuningtyas | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
068.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Efrinda Ari Ayuningtyas | Remote Sensing (Drone) | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
070.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Suprema Ariesinda, S.P.W.K. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
071.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Bagas Rizki Wibowo, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
072.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Kenny Marlian Putri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
073.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Elif Fitriana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
074.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Andre Dani Mawardhi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
075.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Kukuh Widiyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
076.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | M. Alvin Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
077.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Andika Dwi Kurniawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
078.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Andrei Norman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
079.P/GeoAccess/II/2021 | Leny Damayanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
085.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Nurul Rusdayanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
086.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Nurul Rusdayanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
087.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Faisal Fadilah | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
088.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Faisal Fadilah | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
091.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Aziza Islamiani | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
092.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Aziza Islamiani | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
093.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Leonardus Berlianto Setiawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
094.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Marianus Triananto Pamungkas | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
095.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | I Gusti Agung Ayu Sugita Sari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
096.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Putu Yukie Peramesti A. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
097.P/GeoAccess/II/2022 | Ni Made Dwi Kartika Prameswari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
160.P/GeoAccess/III/2022 | Lucky | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Water Distribution | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
161.P/GeoAccess/III/2022 | Lucky | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
162.P/GeoAccess/III/2022 | Esthi Ayu Febriani | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
163.P/GeoAccess/III/2022 | Esthi Ayu Febriani | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
164.P/GeoAccess/III/2022 | Dennis Deseira Tanikwele | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
165.P/GeoAccess/III/2022 | Taqiya Dayinta Rahmaningtyas | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
166.P/GeoAccess/III/2022 | Yogi Permana | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
167.P/GeoAccess/III/2022 | Yogi Permana | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
168.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Muhammad Zulfiqar Jihad P | Geological Modeling | Private | Dasar | Geologi Struktur | Zoom Meeting |
169.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Alvira Maisya Arrasiansi | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
170.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Alvira Maisya Arrasiansi | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
171.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Nur Ikhsan | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
172.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Salsa Rizkia Alzahra | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
173.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Salsa Rizkia Alzahra | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
174.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Fitri Meylinda Tangkudung | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
175.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Junita Wardani Mustikarini Ginting | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
176.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Muhammad Rafif Azhari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
177.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Khansa Maritza Azra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
178.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Rizal Ramadhan Zulkarnaen | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
179.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Said Naufal Hibrizi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
186.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Amsir | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
187.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Amsir | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
188.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Ikhwan Wahyudi Rahman, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
189.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Muhammad Triyono Pratama Bahar, S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
190.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Made Widya Jayantari, S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
191.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Irfan Hilmi Fauzan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
192.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Labisa Wafdan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
193.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Wildan Aidi Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
194.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Choirul Anwar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
195.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Siskawati Iskandar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
196.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | IMAM ARGONO, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
197.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Moh. Ghifary A Modeong | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
198.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Siti Nadiah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
199.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Adi Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
200.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Ulung Primadi Gantara | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
201.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Yusuf Fadhilah Firman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
202.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Candra Kartika, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
203.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Nanda Soultan Friansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
204.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Annisa Dira Hariyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
205.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Apriadi Rio | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
206.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Luky Sutansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
207.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Didik Priyo Utomo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
208.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Bima Susantika Perkasa Pribadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
209.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Muhammad Kalifardi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
210.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Muhammad Thoha | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
211.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Risman Suprihardi, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
212.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Bunga Atika Herman, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
213.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Rafli Akbar Darmawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
214.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | TB Saefudin Asan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
215.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Rizmia Isdamiati, A.Md.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
216.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Christine Dorty Hadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
217.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Ika Bayu Kartikasari, S.T., M.Sc. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
218.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Syarifah Ismailiyah Al Athas, M.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
219.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Fiji Hariadi Purba | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
220.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Ilham Bimakartana Rusman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
221.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Reza Maulana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
222.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Surakhman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
223.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Imat Nurhikmat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
224.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Iman Fathurohman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
225.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Andi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
226.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Griska Amelia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
227.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Javanico Putra Mashadi, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
228.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Johanes O. E. Lawalata, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
229.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Budiono Joko Nugroho, S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
230.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Lina Adi Wijayanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
231.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Ade Sastrawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
232.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Hasti Widyasamratri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
233.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Muhammad Ilham | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
234.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Andika Ramadhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
235.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Muhammad Haekal Nizar Bahari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
236.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | NAJMI NAFISA TUZZAHRA | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
237.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Agnes Tyagita Ayudyaningtyas | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
238.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Resa Fondania | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
239.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Rizky Fani Syahrahma | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
240.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Dian Kartika Fajarina | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
241.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Vira Riana Giovani Kalangie S.PWK | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
242.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Ahmad Febriyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
243.P/GeoAccess/IV/2022 | Maria Sekar Kinasih | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Water Distribution | Water Distribution | Zoom Meeting |
276.P/GeoAccess/V/2022 | Melyani Idella Fitri | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
294.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Lulu Jandini | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
295.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Nur Hidayat Nurdin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
296.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Prananda Putra Adam, S.T | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
297.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Dahyar Nugraha | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
298.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Widodo Eko Prasetyo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
313.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Hastyra Nurfarizya | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Artech Space - Yogyakarta |
314.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Hastyra Nurfarizya | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Artech Space - Yogyakarta |
315.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Maspamil Yulanda | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
316.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Rachmawati | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
318.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | M. Alvin Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
319.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Bayu Zulan Kristanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
320.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Salsa Rizkia Alzahra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
321.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Raziv Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
322.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Dewandha Mas Agastya, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
323.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | M. Kamal Syah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
324.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Euis Etty Alhakim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
325.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
326.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Rianita Pertiwi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
327.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Surya darma | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
328.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Alfiatun nur khasanah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
329.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Aldhy Rahman Fajar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
330.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Yogi Aditya Duha, S.Tr.Ars | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
331.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | MH. FADHLN, S.TP | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
332.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Nardy Noerman Najib | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
333.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Arif Budiman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
334.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | APRILANA | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
335.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Johanes O. E. Lawalata, ST | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
336.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Nanda Soultan Friansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
337.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Afnanda Rizki Murdiyanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
338.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Muhammad Nurhadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
339.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | I Putu Wirayudhana Aji | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
340.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Rama Maulana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
341.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Widhi Kurniawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
342.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Vidryani Amri Rizky | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
343.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Bhayu Satria Andiprayogo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
344.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Andika Pratama Putra, ST | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
345.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Muhammad Ridho Irshabdillah, S.Si | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
346.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Nico Anatoly | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
347.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Ulung Primadi Gantara | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
348.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Iqbal Pratama Nugraha | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
349.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Rahmania Hardiyenti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
350.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Gangsar Edi Laksono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
351.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Iqbal Muhammad Audi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
352.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Mohamad Fahrul Himalaya Umar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
353.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Zulfajri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
354.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Brian Martin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
355.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Winda Anisha Ramadhani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
356.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | FADLILAH RAMA DIPA | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
357.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Galih Nur Fitriyani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
358.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Ilham Kurnia Ramadhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
359.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Ramon Putra, S.T | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
360.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Ramon Putra, S.T | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
361.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Nugraha Dipa Negara, S.T | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
362.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Nugraha Dipa Negara, S.T | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
363.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Made Widya Jayantari, S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
364.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Nursalam, SP., M.Si | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
365.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Johny | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
366.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Muhammad Rais Taqiuddin, S.P.W.K. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
367.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Imam Sholichin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
368.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Fathul Fitriyah Rosdyani, S.Tr.KL | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
369.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Brandon Aristo Verick Purba, S.Hut | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
370.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Siskawati Iskandar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
371.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Ferdy Ardiansyah, S.Hut | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
372.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Yogo Setiadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
373.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Taufiq Hidayat Ilyas | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
374.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Trida Ridho Fariz | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
375.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Muhammad Luthfi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
376.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Astia Rahma Aprilia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
377.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Indra Setiawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
378.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Rizki Delfianto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
379.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Nurul Pertiwi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
380.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Hadi Hidayat,S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
381.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | BAGAS RIZKI WIBOWO, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
382.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | putri elvida | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
383.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Mohammad Fajar Romadhon | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
384.P/GeoAccess/VI/2022 | Yurzam Abdillah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | Zoom Meeting |
391.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Irfan Hilmi Fauzan | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
392.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Labisa Wafdan | Geographic Information System | Private | Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
393.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Eliezer Rovanrich Marey | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
394.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Reihan Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
395.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Reihan Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
396.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Aria Suriakusumah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
397.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Aria Suriakusumah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
398.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Azriel Ghani Azhar Mahdy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
399.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Azriel Ghani Azhar Mahdy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Lanjutan | Geological Mapping | Zoom Meeting |
405.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Andre Dani Mawardhi | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
406.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | I Putu Wirayudhana Aji | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
407.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Aprilana | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
408.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Dimas Irham | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
409.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Reynaldha Adhikarsha | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
410.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Ishack Andi M | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
411.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Taly Purwa | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
412.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Imron Ade Rangga | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
413.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Daniel E Leatemia | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
414.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Jane Oibanitehenia Gulo | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
415.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Yaaresya William Kristi | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
416.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Agung Pamungkas | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
417.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Fajar | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
418.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Sunarto | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
419.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Ulung Primadi Gantara | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
420.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Listyo Yudha Irawan | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
421.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Febri Anggriawan Widodo | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
422.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Harry K | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
423.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Nurul Fitrah Ramadhani | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
424.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Amelia Rahayu | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
425.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Januardi | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
426.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Kemal Dokumalamo | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
427.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Abdul Kahar | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
428.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Brandon Aristo Verick Purba, S.Hut | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
429.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Oktavia Bernadetha Hae | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
430.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Taufiq Hidayat Ilyas | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
431.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Ammar Baskara, S.T. | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
432.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Fathoni Hananto | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
433.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Fernaldi Gradiyanto | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
434.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Fauzi Kadir | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
435.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Purwantiningrum | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
436.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Rifky Raynaldi | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
437.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Rizki Delfianto | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
438.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Muhammad Adnan Kautsar | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
439.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Unsila Tammiya Artawan | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
440.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Zulfikar Akbar | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
441.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Wina Alvina Gunawan | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
442.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Anandika Dian Pramesti | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
443.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Tri Atmoko | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
444.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Didan Abdurachman Widiarta | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
445.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Ahmad Faizin Efendi | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
446.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Firman Afrianto, S.T., M.T. | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
447.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
448.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | MH. Fadhlan, S.Tp | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
449.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Wahib Mahmud | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
450.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Edwin Maulana | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
451.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Karlina Dwidjayanti Bambang | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
452.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Sufie Bhaskara | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
453.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Nikolas Anggi Putera Panjaitan | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
454.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Raihan Fauziah Maulani | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
455.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Imam Fadhlurrahman | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
456.P/GeoAccess/VII/2022 | Fathul Fitriyah Rosdyani, S.Tr.KL | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
460.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ingrid Estavania Tse, S.PWK | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
461.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Auliana Nuriyatul Laily | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
462.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Dian Kurnia Anggreta | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
463.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Wini Prayogi Abdila | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
464.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ciptaningrat Erdi Pamungkas | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
465.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Kalifardi | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
466.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Khairil Asnan H | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
467.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Whicliffe Fiernaleonardo Pasedan | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
468.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Probo Santoso, S.Hut., M.Sc. | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
469.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Dhaimatul Wursitawuri | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
470.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Titan Fajri Alam | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
471.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Efrinda A. A | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
472.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Dedy Bagus Pramudi Wardana, S.Hut, M.Agr | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
473.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Euis Etty Alhakim | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
474.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Arip Nurrohman | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
475.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Haris Gunawan Limbong | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
476.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Firdaus Akbar | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
477.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Rizki Amilia | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
478.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Angga Eko Putranto | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
479.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Khairunnisa | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
480.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Thaahaa | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
481.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Prasetiyo | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
482.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Wayan Nanda Khrisna Pratama | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
483.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Bungaran Roy Satria Tambunan | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
484.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Alfath Karunisya'ban Pirazuni | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
485.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ariftya Saputra | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
486.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Irfan Hilmi Fauzan | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
487.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Dekka Dhirgantara Putra | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
488.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Dita Septyana | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
489.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ibnu Nur Fikri Muhamad | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
490.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Fitri Agustriani | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
491.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ari Azhar Maulana | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
492.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Nadhilah Humairah Salwa Salsabil | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
493.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Khalid Haidar Dzar Al Ghifari | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
494.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Rais Taqiuddin, S.P.W.K | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
495.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ahmad Rizky Alfian | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
496.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Juan Firdaus | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
497.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ashar Asis | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
498.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Rudy Candra Utama | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
499.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Yogi Aditya Duha | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
500.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Elisabet Rose Rahayu Boru Hutabarat | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
501.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Klemensia Manis Purab | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
502.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Evan | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
503.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Basuki Rahmat Hakim | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
504.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Mujiyanto | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
505.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Hirundini Rustica Absari | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
506.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Phill Malaikosa | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
507.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | M. Taufik Akbar | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
508.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Indra Yuliana Santoso | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
509.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Fathurohmah | Remote Sensing (Satellite) | Reguler | Dasar | Earth Engine (Band Rasio) | Zoom Meeting |
519.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Novita Reskiyah Sari | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
539.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ibnu Nur Fikri Muhamad | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
546.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Hasan, S.T | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
547.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Listyo Yudha Irawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
548.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | M. Alvin Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
549.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Arief | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
550.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Wina Alvina Gunawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
551.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Roes Ebara Gikami Lufti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
552.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ichsan Caesar Pratama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
553.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Dika Oktoberdinata | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
554.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muh. Noor Alwie, S.P., M.P | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
555.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Armi Eka Putra, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
556.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ika Masruroh | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
557.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Farhan Maulana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
558.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ahmad Rizky Alfian | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
559.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ulyan Khalif | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
560.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Hesti Mumtahanah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
561.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Edwin Maulana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
562.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Natalia Mali | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
563.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Irwansyah Putra, S.P.W. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
564.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Annisa Fitri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
565.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Aditiya Lucky Janur Alamsyah, S.Geo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
566.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Alfyananda Kurnia Putra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
567.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Adnin Musadri Asbi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
568.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Ridho Anggoro, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
569.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Fadlilah Rama Dipa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
570.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Aqil Azizi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
571.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Geraldi Al Azzami | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
572.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Adelaide Zalfa Syahrani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
573.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Nisa Sabira Alhakim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
574.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Alfarisy Amrul | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
575.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Yehezkiel Christian Purnomo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
576.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Agriarso Wahyu Septiawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
577.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Tumensel Dilugman Laoli | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
578.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Berliana Zulny | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
579.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Febri Ferdinan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
580.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Muhammad Firdaus Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
581.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Hilmi Hasani Samsuri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
582.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Iga Rusmala | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
583.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Salwa Pramestiara | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
584.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Aji Wibowo Sutandar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
585.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | M. Nasyrudin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
586.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Rian Adi Putra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
587.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Adi Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
588.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Mochamad Reza Dwi Pranata | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
589.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Riza Darma Putra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
590.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Drie Alsi Laksana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
591.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Farhan Ryandi Nugraha | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
592.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Issa S I Tafridj | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
593.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Issa S I Tafridj | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
594.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Dwi Siswi Hariyani | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
595.P/GeoAccess/VIII/2022 | Dwi Siswi Hariyani | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
623.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Andrey Faddelyan | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
624.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Andrey Faddelyan | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
625.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Evan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
626.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Alifianto Setiawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
627.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | ILHAM HIDAYATULLAH | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
628.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Made Widya Jayantari, S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
629.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Raid | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
630.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Indra Chandra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
631.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ade Brian Mustafa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
632.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | ABDIEL HARDWIN DITO | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
633.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Laode Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
634.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ronny Mustaqiem | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
635.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Aida Januari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
636.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Billy Gustinar Surya Riesnawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
637.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rizki Amilia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
638.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Arwa Farida Lukito | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
639.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Alvin Gus Abdurrahman Wahid | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
640.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ammar Baskara | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
641.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rendi Handika | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
642.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muh. Hariyanto H | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
643.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Petrus Sitinjak | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
644.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | D'rollins William | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
645.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Novaldo Ramzis | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
646.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Benny Arianto, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
647.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Fakhrurozi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
648.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Nurhilal Fauziah Ramlan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
649.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Bonifasius Efraim Laia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
650.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Anisa Ulfatu Hasanah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
651.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Harun, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
652.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Angga Eko Putranto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
653.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Nur | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
654.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | BENFRIZS C REYNOLDS | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
655.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | NURUL AFDAL HARIS | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
656.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rizqi Puteri Riyandini | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
657.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Safrudin Amin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
658.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Adji Gilang | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
659.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhamad Raihan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
660.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rr Diah Nugraheni | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
661.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Agung Tri Yulianto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
662.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Didik Priyo Utomo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
663.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Mohamad Fahrul Himalaya Umar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
664.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Dian Susilo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
665.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Tabegra Disando | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
666.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Maryo Dwi Nanda | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
667.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Hendri Noperi, M.Pd., M.Sc. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
668.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Reza Beri Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
669.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Januardi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
670.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | I. Arya Panji Pramudewata | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
671.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Faldi Aulia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
672.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Dewi Kartika Sari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
673.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Pinta Rachmadani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
674.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Joshua Purba, S.Geo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
675.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Heldifha Fadlansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
676.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Farel Ahadyatulakbar Aditama, S.Si | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
677.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Namrullah Naser | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
678.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Diyanah Ulfah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
679.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Kus Kadarusman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
680.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Fikri Ibrahim Mahdy Hermanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
681.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Warid Zul Ilmi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
682.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ahmad Faizin Efendi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
683.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ir. Arie Asih Rahmawaty, S.T., M.Sc. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
684.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Armanda | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
685.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Aysfan Nandha Yulianti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
686.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Bagus Prihmantoro | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
687.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | DHARSI MILANDHANY, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
688.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ermi Nur Irmawati | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
689.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Fariz Rizaldy Wibowo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
690.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Gita M Anindi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
691.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Gracella | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
692.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | HARDUS PADENDENAN | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
693.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Hata Raharjo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
694.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Iqbal Hamidi S.T., M.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
695.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Suwongso Sadewo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
696.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Parandita Anisa Fatah Murbana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
697.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Raja Al-Fath, S.PWK | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
698.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rama Maulana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
699.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Siwi Tri Budi Utami | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
700.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Syahmin Sukhairi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
701.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Achmad Usamah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | InaSAFE for Natural Hazard | Impact of Natural Disasters | Zoom Meeting |
786.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Thoriq Yahya Abdullah | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
787.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Salsha Firsty Agustina | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
852.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Zulkarnain Ali Hendrastianto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
853.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | RUSMIN NURYADIN | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
854.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Tiasa Adimagistra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
855.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Tobi Muktitama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
856.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Fahmi Aulia, S.T., M.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
857.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Wiyata Mandala | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
858.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | ROSYE VILLANOVA CHRISTINE | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
859.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Osama Aji Abdurrahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
860.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Hijri Haydar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
861.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | ASMARADIAN PUTRA | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
862.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Risman Suprihardi, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
863.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Helena Joan Noven | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
864.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Riecka Dewi Syafutri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
865.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Danang Aji Prasetyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
866.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | FACHRI JAMIL | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
867.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Beng Andrean Putra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
868.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Izzati Husna | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
869.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rhega Farianda, S.Kel | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
870.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | SITTI KHAFIFATUL MAR'ATH | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
871.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | RIWAN AULIA | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
872.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | ZULKIFLI, S.Si., M.Si | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
873.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Segara Alam Penemuan, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
874.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Bungaran Roy Satria Tambunan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
875.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Julkifli | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
876.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Janet Nadira Arviwaski | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
877.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muammar Khadafhi Al-Musyaraf | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
878.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Dedy Julians Noya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
879.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Sunaryo Sadli | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
880.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Aditya Yudy Anggoro, S.T., M.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
881.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Nuranisa Harfiana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
882.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Afan Ma'ruf | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
883.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Sugeng Rahayu, S.Pt | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
884.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | SUPARLI | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
885.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ignatius Bennito Sianturi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
886.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Trisno Widodo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
887.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Raynaldi Rachmat | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
888.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Widastama Angga Permana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
889.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Fahmi Fawji, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
890.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Febri Ferdinan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
891.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Mush'ab Baihaqy | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
892.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Azzilla Ladya Mastura | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
893.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Yurika Divya Faqraeni | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
894.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | DHARSI MILANDHANY, S.T | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
895.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Sarah Helena Abighail, S.T., MPSDA | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
896.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Dhaneswara Nirwana Indrajoga | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
897.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Renny Laksmita Ningsih | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
898.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Dian Ayu Lestari Alifa Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
899.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | ADE BRIAN MUSTAFA | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
900.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | I Putu Wirayudhana Aji | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
901.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Zainul Muttaqin, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
902.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Tumensel Dilugman Laoli | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
903.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Siti Aras Ainun Basri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
904.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Alwi Ibnu Alwan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
905.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Adi Kuswanto, S.Hut | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
906.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Present Dwijan R. A | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
907.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | I Made Putra Kresnabayu | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
908.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Mario Valentino, S.Hut | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
909.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ichsan Caesar Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
910.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rudy Candra Utama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
911.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | M Attok Nur Isa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
912.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Silman Waliyya Albar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
913.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Doni Singadikrama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
914.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Aulia Ramadhan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
915.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Nastasya Andam Dewi, S.Si | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
916.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rakhmi Fitriani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
917.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rifqi Farhan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
918.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ganggaya Sotyadarpita | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
919.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Andri Septiya Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
920.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Hartinah H | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
921.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rafli Akbar Darmawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
922.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Ibnu Fadinaldi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
923.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Salomo Sitorus | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
924.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Alif Al Mahdi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
925.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Edwin Cris Perdananta Tarigan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
926.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rama Septiawan, S.Hut | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
927.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Fahmi Fudholi Almajani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
928.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Fajar Tegar Wahyudi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
929.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | SURYA DARU | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
930.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Asyifa Apsari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
931.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Wiratama Putra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
932.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rajandra Nurhadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
933.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Billy Andriko | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
934.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Josua Franda Purba | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
935.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Siti Afifah Julfrikar Islamina | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
936.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | NATRIUS FANDAYANO M RUMBIAK, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
937.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Deni Susanto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
938.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Lina Adi Wijayanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
939.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Achirul Nanda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
940.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Petrus Sitinjak | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
941.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Rizaldi Nuraulia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
942.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ulul Azmi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
943.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ismi Aziz Nur Sudrajat | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
944.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Bagaskara Fajareto Kusuma Wardana, S.Pd | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
945.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | RIZAL RAMADHAN ZULKARNAEN | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
946.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Unsila Tammiya Artawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
965.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Rizki Hanintyo, S.Si, M.Sc | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
966.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Dico Satriyo Wibowo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
967.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Adnin Damarraya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
968.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Ricky Danang Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
969.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Genta Sena Santosa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
970.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhamad Rizki | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
971.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Adnan Kautsar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
972.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Angelius Mangatasi Nababan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
973.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Fatih Akmal Al Ayyubi Dharmono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
974.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | A M MUKHLIS INDRAWAN | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
975.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Syawal Akbar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
976.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Khairullah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
977.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | HARTONI | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
978.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Khafidhatus Sa'adah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
979.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Arrie Kurniawardhani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
980.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Yori Alief Darmansyah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
981.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Sulaeman Wahyu | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
982.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Novia Arinda Pradisty | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
983.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Hata Raharjo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
984.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Talita Danielle Golung | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
985.P/GeoAccess/IX/2022 | Muhammad Rafif Azhari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1037.P/GeoAccess/X/2022 | Zulkarman Syafrin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1040.P/GeoAccess/X/2022 | MANSUR | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1041.P/GeoAccess/X/2022 | MANSUR | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1042.P/GeoAccess/X/2022 | Aditya Cahya Pratama | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1043.P/GeoAccess/X/2022 | Aditya Cahya Pratama | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1080.P/GeoAccess/X/2022 | Fathul Fitriyah Rosdyani, S.Tr.KL | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1081.P/GeoAccess/X/2022 | Fathul Fitriyah Rosdyani, S.Tr.KL | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1115.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Almer Fitrianto Faizal | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
1116.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Almer Fitrianto Faizal | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
1130.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ahmad Burhani | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1131.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ahmad Burhani | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1142.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Irsyad Leihitu | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1143.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Moh. Arditya Ramdhan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1144.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ari Teguh Nugraha, S.IP. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1145.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Albert Kristiawan Lim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1146.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Erland Raziqin Fatahillah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1147.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Maftuchatun Nikmah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1148.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Nurul Rizma Faurine | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1149.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ramon Putra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1150.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Kunthum Ria Anggraheny | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1151.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Fauzan S. Syahri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1152.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Maria Rosdalima Panggur | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1153.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Aziz Naufal Afif | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1154.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Tobi Muktitama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1155.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Elvina Gianina Meliala | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1156.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dimas Irham | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1157.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | IMRON ADE RANGGA | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1158.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Agriarso Wahyu Septiawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1159.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Firman Waluya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1160.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Fachra Muharyanda, S.Kom | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1161.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Desi Rahmadana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1162.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Yaaresya William Kristi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1163.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Abdul Wahab | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1164.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Abdul Wahab | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1165.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Adenna Nurrahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1166.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Adenna Nurrahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1167.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Adetya Arga Marjuanto, S.T., M.Ling | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1168.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Adetya Arga Marjuanto, S.T., M.Ling | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1169.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Adiba Kamila F | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1170.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Adiba Kamila F | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1171.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Aditya Wilis Yogatama Nugraha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1172.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Aditya Wilis Yogatama Nugraha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1173.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1174.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1175.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Akhmad Abrar Al-arsyi Hendana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1176.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Akhmad Abrar Al-arsyi Hendana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1177.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Amanda Abiella Resmana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1178.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Amanda Abiella Resmana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1179.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Amanda Rahmat Widastri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1180.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Amanda Rahmat Widastri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1181.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Andreean Jonathan Edison, S.T | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1182.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Andreean Jonathan Edison, S.T | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1183.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Anugrah Aditya Insani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1184.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Anugrah Aditya Insani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1185.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Arif Syuhada | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1186.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Arif Syuhada | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1187.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Arno Edwin Gilang Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1188.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Arno Edwin Gilang Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1189.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Bangga Shepta Preskayana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1190.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Bangga Shepta Preskayana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1191.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | BUDI SANTOSO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1192.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | BUDI SANTOSO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1193.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dandy Muhamad Fadilah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1194.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dandy Muhamad Fadilah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1195.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Delmar A. Liufeto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1196.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Delmar A. Liufeto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1197.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dewa Putu Adikarma Mandala | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1198.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dewa Putu Adikarma Mandala | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1199.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dhyar Prayoga Rudianto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1200.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dhyar Prayoga Rudianto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1201.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dimas Trianugraha Erlangga | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1202.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dimas Trianugraha Erlangga | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1203.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dr. Rachmat Hidayat, S.Pi. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1204.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dr. Rachmat Hidayat, S.Pi. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1205.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dzul Wal Iqram | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1206.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dzul Wal Iqram | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1207.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Efrinda Ari Ayuningtyas | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1208.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Efrinda Ari Ayuningtyas | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1209.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ester Yohanna Ratna Margareth Purba | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1210.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ester Yohanna Ratna Margareth Purba | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1211.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1212.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1213.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Fakih Panggalih | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1214.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Fakih Panggalih | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1215.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Hamdan, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1216.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Hamdan, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1217.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Herru Krisnanto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1218.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Herru Krisnanto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1219.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | I Ketut Ari Pegatariana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1220.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | I Ketut Ari Pegatariana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1221.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ibrahim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1222.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ibrahim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1223.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | IKHWANUL MUSLIM FEBRYANSYAH | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1224.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | IKHWANUL MUSLIM FEBRYANSYAH | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1225.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Indra Setiawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1226.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Indra Setiawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1227.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Irma Permata Sari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1228.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Irma Permata Sari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1229.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Iyas Tristan Andriyan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1230.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Iyas Tristan Andriyan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1231.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Jasmin Arya Alfalah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1232.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Jasmin Arya Alfalah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1233.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Jhonis Saragi, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1234.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Jhonis Saragi, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1235.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Kevin Gerald Senduk | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1236.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Kevin Gerald Senduk | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1237.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | M Fairuz Tsany | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1238.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | M Fairuz Tsany | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1239.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Mochamad Reza Dwi Pranata | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1240.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Mochamad Reza Dwi Pranata | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1241.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Mohd Abi Rafdi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1242.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Mohd Abi Rafdi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1243.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Monika Agustia, S.P., M.Ars.L. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1244.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Monika Agustia, S.P., M.Ars.L. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1245.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muh. Rizal Darwis, S.Si | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1246.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muh. Rizal Darwis, S.Si | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1247.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhamad Sodik Solahudin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1248.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhamad Sodik Solahudin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1249.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Abdurrachman Rizqi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1250.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Abdurrachman Rizqi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1251.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Amri Cahyo G | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1252.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Amri Cahyo G | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1253.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | MUHAMMAD FARHAN RAHMAT | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1254.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | MUHAMMAD FARHAN RAHMAT | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1255.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Hafiz | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1256.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Hafiz | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1257.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Jalaluddin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1258.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Jalaluddin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1259.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Naufal Hilmi Farosandi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1260.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Naufal Hilmi Farosandi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1261.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ni Luh C. Chevi Rahayu | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1262.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ni Luh C. Chevi Rahayu | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1263.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Nur Abrianti Islamiah Baharuddin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1264.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Nur Abrianti Islamiah Baharuddin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1265.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Nurul Hidayani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1266.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Nurul Hidayani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1267.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Prastika Wijayanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1268.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Prastika Wijayanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1269.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Probo Santoso | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1270.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Probo Santoso | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1271.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Rabby Awalludin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1272.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Rabby Awalludin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1273.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Rinaldy Saputro | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1274.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Rinaldy Saputro | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1275.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Riska Ayu Purnamasari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1276.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Riska Ayu Purnamasari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1277.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Rudy Candra Utama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1278.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Rudy Candra Utama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1279.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Silvi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1280.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Silvi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1281.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Silvia Shelly Adelina | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1282.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Silvia Shelly Adelina | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1283.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Taufik Mubarak | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1284.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Taufik Mubarak | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1285.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Tegar Abdul Hafid | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1286.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Tegar Abdul Hafid | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1287.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ananda Rizky Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1288.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ananda Rizky Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1289.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | TIKA MULIASARI | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1290.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | TIKA MULIASARI | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1291.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Tike Aprillia Hartini | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1292.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Tike Aprillia Hartini | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1293.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Yohannes Wibisono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1294.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Yohannes Wibisono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1295.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Yusi Widyaningrum | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1296.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Yusi Widyaningrum | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1297.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | ZEIN KAUTSAR RACHMADI | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1298.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | ZEIN KAUTSAR RACHMADI | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1299.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Akhmad Kunio Fadlullah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1300.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Akhmad Kunio Fadlullah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1301.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ina Annisa Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1302.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ina Annisa Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1303.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dustin Edward S | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1304.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dustin Edward S | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1305.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dyah Wahyu Apriani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1306.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Dyah Wahyu Apriani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1307.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Haniefah Astriani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1308.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Haniefah Astriani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1309.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Laili Fitria | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1310.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Laili Fitria | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1311.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ikhsanul Iqbal | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1312.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ikhsanul Iqbal | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1313.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Addin Suhargo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1314.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Addin Suhargo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1315.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ahmad Adhiguna Justiono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1316.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Ahmad Adhiguna Justiono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1317.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Harisudin Afta | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1318.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Harisudin Afta | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1319.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Ali Irfan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1320.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Ali Irfan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1321.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Kus Kadarusman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1322.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Kus Kadarusman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1323.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Irene Caroline Sihombing | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1324.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Irene Caroline Sihombing | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1325.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | YORGEN GUNAWAN | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1326.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | YORGEN GUNAWAN | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1327.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Didik Priyo Utomo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1328.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Didik Priyo Utomo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1329.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | RUFAIDHA LATHIIFUNNISA | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1330.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | RUFAIDHA LATHIIFUNNISA | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1331.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Hajar Isnaini, S.Hut | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1332.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Hajar Isnaini, S.Hut | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1334.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Rantawan | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1335.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Donnal Setiawan | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1336.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Muhammad Faisal Azmi | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1337.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | AGUNG DZUL APRI S. KIAHMAD | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1338.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Maison Sigalingging | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1339.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Diza Rizky | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1340.P/GeoAccess/XI/2022 | Rizky Dian Ramadhan | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1375.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Mokhamad Firmansyah | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1376.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Addin Suhargo | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1377.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Addin Suhargo | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1383.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Probo Santoso | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1384.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Probo Santoso | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1385.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Adji Gilang | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1386.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Adji Gilang | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1387.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Adetya Arga Marjuanto, S.T., M.Ling | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1388.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Adetya Arga Marjuanto, S.T., M.Ling | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1389.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Kukuh Widiyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1390.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Kukuh Widiyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1391.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Radiktya Akasah Kardi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1392.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Radiktya Akasah Kardi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1393.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Taufik Mubarak | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1394.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Taufik Mubarak | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1395.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muh. Darmawan Basoka | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1396.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muh. Darmawan Basoka | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1397.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Denissa Kayla Wian Audrey | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1398.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Denissa Kayla Wian Audrey | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1399.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Jihan Rizka Kusmeyta | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1400.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Jihan Rizka Kusmeyta | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1401.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rahmad Hidayat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1402.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rahmad Hidayat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1403.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Rizki | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1404.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Rizki | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1405.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Adam Suni | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1406.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Adam Suni | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1407.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dyfan Putra Perkasa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1408.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dyfan Putra Perkasa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1409.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Yonti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1410.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Yonti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1411.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ikhsanul Iqbal | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1412.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ikhsanul Iqbal | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1413.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rian Mantasa SP | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1414.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rian Mantasa SP | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1415.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nur Ema Putri Bayanil | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1416.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nur Ema Putri Bayanil | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1417.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Luthfiyyah Dzakiyyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1418.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Luthfiyyah Dzakiyyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1419.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Miftahul Jannah Jan Ramadhani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1420.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Miftahul Jannah Jan Ramadhani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1421.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Amesta Kartika R. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1422.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Amesta Kartika R. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1423.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rudy Candra Utama, AP, S.Hut, SE, M.Si | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1424.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rudy Candra Utama, AP, S.Hut, SE, M.Si | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1425.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Agus Kurniawan M. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1426.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Agus Kurniawan M. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1427.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rendy S | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1428.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rendy S | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1429.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Nur | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1430.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Nur | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1431.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Brasti Anjani Larasari, S.Hut | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1432.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Brasti Anjani Larasari, S.Hut | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1433.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Laela Nurul | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1434.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Laela Nurul | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1435.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Thariq Aziz | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1436.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Thariq Aziz | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1437.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Bimo Bramantio | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1438.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Bimo Bramantio | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1439.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Barnabas Yoseph Lelyemin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1440.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Barnabas Yoseph Lelyemin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1441.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Aramico | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1442.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Aramico | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1443.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Yandri Petra Perangin-angin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1444.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Yandri Petra Perangin-angin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1445.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Silvi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1446.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Silvi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1447.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rizal Jamil | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1448.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rizal Jamil | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1449.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dixzi Anindita Sandy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1450.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dixzi Anindita Sandy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1451.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rizky Fajar Dewanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1452.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rizky Fajar Dewanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1453.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Pajar Rahman Septiyana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1454.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Pajar Rahman Septiyana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1455.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Galdencia Rezah Josiana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1456.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Galdencia Rezah Josiana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1457.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Raziv Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1458.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Raziv Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1459.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Prabowo Setiawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1460.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Prabowo Setiawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1461.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1462.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1463.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | I Made Saka Wijaya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1464.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | I Made Saka Wijaya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1465.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Harry Hidayat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1466.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Harry Hidayat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1467.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rindiani Dwi Purnama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1468.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rindiani Dwi Purnama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1469.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | MUHAMMAD ABDUL NASSER | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1470.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | MUHAMMAD ABDUL NASSER | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1471.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ferry Febrian | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1472.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ferry Febrian | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1473.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Isty Restusari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1474.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Isty Restusari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1475.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Fadli Arya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1476.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Fadli Arya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1477.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Prasetya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1478.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Prasetya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1479.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Chikal Jati Purnama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1480.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Chikal Jati Purnama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1481.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Abdurrahman Aushof Bahy Ghifari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1482.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Abdurrahman Aushof Bahy Ghifari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1483.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Hamdan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1484.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Hamdan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1485.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Hasni Hazami | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1486.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Hasni Hazami | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1487.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rehulina Apriyanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1488.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rehulina Apriyanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1489.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dhaneswara Nirwana I | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1490.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dhaneswara Nirwana I | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1491.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Zulkifli, S. Si., M. Si | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1492.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Zulkifli, S. Si., M. Si | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1493.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Fendy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1494.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Fendy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1495.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Amsyar Koedadiri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1496.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Amsyar Koedadiri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1497.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Luthfiah Sri Nada | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1498.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Luthfiah Sri Nada | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1499.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | MUHAMMAD SALEH | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1500.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | MUHAMMAD SALEH | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1501.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Yendri Falo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1502.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Yendri Falo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1503.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | ANDHI AHMAD SETIAWAN | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1504.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | ANDHI AHMAD SETIAWAN | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1505.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Aryan Dhani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1506.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Aryan Dhani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1507.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Arief Rahman Hakim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1508.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Arief Rahman Hakim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1509.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Helmi Romdhoni | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1510.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Helmi Romdhoni | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1511.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Theresa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1512.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Theresa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1513.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ani Amalia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1514.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ani Amalia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1515.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Mayasti Dyah Pramadewi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1516.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Mayasti Dyah Pramadewi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1517.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Untung Priambodo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1518.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Untung Priambodo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1519.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dwita Ayu Darmayanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1520.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dwita Ayu Darmayanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1521.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Taufiq Hidayat Ilyas | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1522.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Taufiq Hidayat Ilyas | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1523.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | FAZRI ANNUR | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1524.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | FAZRI ANNUR | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1525.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Suryo Kusumo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1526.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Suryo Kusumo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1527.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Aqmal Nur Jihad | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1528.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Aqmal Nur Jihad | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1529.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Avinda Devianti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1530.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Avinda Devianti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1531.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Sekar Langit A.P | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1532.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Sekar Langit A.P | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1533.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Listyo Yudha Irawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1534.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Listyo Yudha Irawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1535.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nurafi Hananprapoerti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1536.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nurafi Hananprapoerti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1537.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nur Rokhim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1538.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nur Rokhim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1539.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Siti Zea Sativa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1540.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Siti Zea Sativa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1541.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Made Widya Jayantari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1542.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Made Widya Jayantari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1543.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Lia Hadiawati | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1544.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Lia Hadiawati | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1545.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Akhmad Zainal Mubarak | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1546.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Akhmad Zainal Mubarak | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1547.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Fakhri Fauzan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1548.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Billyan Roberta | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1549.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | AKBAR ALIYA YUDHISTIRA | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1550.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Cosmas Guluan Naibaho | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1551.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | MUHAMMAD FAUZAN | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1552.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ike Deasy Natalia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1553.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nurul Rizma Faurine | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1554.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Fajri Prasetyo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1555.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ahmad Fauzi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1556.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rani Wulandari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1557.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Titis Gayuh | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1558.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | BELINDA SARA ARTHATIA | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1559.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Etha Widyahastari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1560.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | M. Nurhidayat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1561.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Reynaldi Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1562.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Adlan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1563.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Syifa Salsabila Bratawijaya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1564.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Adnan Kautsar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1565.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Warid Zul Ilmi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1566.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | La Gandri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1567.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Partono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1568.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Putri Yuliyani Lukmani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1569.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Mohamad Fahrul Himalaya Umar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1570.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | MIKHAEL LAYUK | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1571.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Feldian Hendargi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1572.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Rio Adi Pangestu | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1573.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Haris Priyana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1574.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Muhammad Zaki Zamani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1575.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Didik Priyo Utomo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1576.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Budi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1577.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ayu Wulandari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1578.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ciptaningrat Erdi Pamungkas | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1579.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Mailendra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1580.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Degita Fahmi Brillyansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1581.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | David Maulana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1582.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Agriarso Wahyu Septiawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1583.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Dinda Rona Ardelia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1584.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Fernaldi Gradiyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1585.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Sabaruddin B. S.Hut., M.Hut | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1586.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nikmatul Kasanah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1587.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Asrul Jihad Ade | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1588.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Ahmad Rizky Alfian | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1589.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Wawan Dwi Handoko | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1590.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Radhitya Perdhana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1591.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Moh. Fahry Djuraini | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1592.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Norman Riwu Kaho | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1593.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Fauzian Dwi Ramadhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1594.P/GeoAccess/XII/2022 | Nindita Eka Setyahandani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0038.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0039.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0040.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Putri Afin Nurhayati | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0041.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Putri Afin Nurhayati | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0042.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | RIZKA DWI AMALIA | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0043.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | RIZKA DWI AMALIA | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0044.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | RIZKA DWI AMALIA | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0045.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | RIZKA DWI AMALIA | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0046.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Zulfan Makarim | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
0048.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Muhammad Givari Ramdhani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0049.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Muhammad Haikal Razi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0050.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | R. Ahmad Fauzan Wirapradja | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0051.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Maria Kriscintya Ani Bay | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0052.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Grace Munthe | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0053.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Ruth Ade Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0054.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | A.A. Hakim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0055.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Rahmadia Fitri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0056.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Nurfadhilah Jusman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0057.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Nabila Arza Utami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0058.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Nabila Arza Utami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0059.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Angga Eko Putranto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0060.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Angga Eko Putranto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0061.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Dennish Ari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0062.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Dennish Ari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0063.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Hilmi Hasani Samsuri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0064.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Hilmi Hasani Samsuri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0065.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Rifky Ilham Maulana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0066.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Rifky Ilham Maulana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0067.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Barnabas Yoseph Lelyemin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0068.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Barnabas Yoseph Lelyemin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0069.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Fauzi Syaiful Adam | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0070.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Fauzi Syaiful Adam | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0071.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Parandita Anisa Fatah Murbana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0072.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Parandita Anisa Fatah Murbana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0073.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Prasetya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0074.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Prasetya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0075.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Danayanti Azmi Dewi N | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0076.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Danayanti Azmi Dewi N | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0077.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Budi Panji Prasetyo Sujanarko | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0078.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Budi Panji Prasetyo Sujanarko | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0079.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Budianto Santoso | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0080.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Budianto Santoso | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0081.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Dzulfahmi Alam | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0082.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Dzulfahmi Alam | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0083.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Ledib Aprilansi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0084.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Ledib Aprilansi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0085.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Nurul Rusdayanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0086.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Nurul Rusdayanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0087.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | M. Fikri Maulidi Rahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0088.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | M. Fikri Maulidi Rahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0089.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Abduh Riski | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0090.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Abduh Riski | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0091.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Ahmad Faizin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0092.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Ahmad Faizin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0093.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Balqis Bahirah Fa'adilah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0094.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Balqis Bahirah Fa'adilah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0095.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Farchan Mushaf Al Ramadhani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0096.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Farchan Mushaf Al Ramadhani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0097.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | M. Rijalus Sholihin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0098.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | M. Rijalus Sholihin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0099.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Rizky Maulana Ayub | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0100.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Rizky Maulana Ayub | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0101.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Moch. Hasan Khoriri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0102.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Moch. Hasan Khoriri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0103.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Fadhli Fauzi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0104.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Fadhli Fauzi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0105.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Prayoga Faiz Nurhasbi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0106.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Prayoga Faiz Nurhasbi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0107.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Muhammad Ashhabul Kahfi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0108.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Muhammad Ashhabul Kahfi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0109.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Azhar Ekaputri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0110.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Azhar Ekaputri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0111.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | M. Fauzi Salim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0112.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | M. Fauzi Salim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0113.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Harristio Adam | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0114.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Harristio Adam | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0115.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Muhammad Faizal Rafli | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0116.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Muhammad Faizal Rafli | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0117.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Rama Maulana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0118.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Rama Maulana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0119.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Audia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0120.P/Geoaccess/I/2023 | Audia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0121.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Boy | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0122.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Boy | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0123.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Muhammad Kalifardi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0124.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Muhammad Kalifardi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0125.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Frengki Banjarnahor | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0126.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Frengki Banjarnahor | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0127.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fendra Dwi Ramadhan, S.T., M.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0128.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fendra Dwi Ramadhan, S.T., M.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0129.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | HAJAR ISNAINI | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0130.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | HAJAR ISNAINI | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0131.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Stev | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0132.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Stev | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0133.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Iradha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0134.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Iradha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0135.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Nadya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0136.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Nadya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0137.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rois Dinan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0138.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rois Dinan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0139.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Hendrawan Santosa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0140.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Hendrawan Santosa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0141.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fitri Retnowati | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0142.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fitri Retnowati | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0143.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ida Ayu Sri Wulandari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0144.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ida Ayu Sri Wulandari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0145.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rizkiana Sidqiyatul Hamdani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0146.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rizkiana Sidqiyatul Hamdani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0147.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rifqiya Nur Aisyah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0148.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rifqiya Nur Aisyah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0149.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rizki Amilia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0150.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rizki Amilia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0151.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Husein Muhammad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0152.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Husein Muhammad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0153.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rahmat Koswara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0154.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rahmat Koswara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0155.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ghaffari Naufal | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0156.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ghaffari Naufal | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0157.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Syahrizal Koem | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0158.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Syahrizal Koem | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0159.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Shaufa Ashfiya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0160.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Shaufa Ashfiya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0161.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Pendi Rusadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0162.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Pendi Rusadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0163.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Dita widyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0164.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Dita widyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0165.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Muhammad Adam Suni | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0166.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Muhammad Adam Suni | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0167.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Nur Amrina Rosidhah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0168.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Nur Amrina Rosidhah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0169.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | H.M.Mardani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0170.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | H.M.Mardani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0171.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ari Sentani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0172.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ari Sentani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0173.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Hasni Hazami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0174.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Hasni Hazami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0175.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fatah Ramdhan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0176.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fatah Ramdhan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0177.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Aziz Amin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0178.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Aziz Amin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0179.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Diandra Marciella | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0180.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Diandra Marciella | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0181.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Arriza Lukman Hadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0182.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Arriza Lukman Hadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0183.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Zhatoer Rayhan Qauvani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0184.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Zhatoer Rayhan Qauvani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0185.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Emanuel Grace Manek | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0186.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Emanuel Grace Manek | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0187.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ani Amalia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0188.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ani Amalia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0189.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Achmad Fauzan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0190.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Achmad Fauzan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0191.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Aqmal Nur Jihad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0192.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Aqmal Nur Jihad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0193.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Mohammad Rizal Fahrudin jamil | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0194.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Mohammad Rizal Fahrudin jamil | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0195.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ibrahim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0196.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Ibrahim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0197.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Agus Susetyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0198.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Agus Susetyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0199.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Adicipta Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0200.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Adicipta Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0201.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | I Ketut Ari Pegatariana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0202.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | I Ketut Ari Pegatariana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0203.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fajar Wicaksono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0204.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fajar Wicaksono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0205.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Yendri Falo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0206.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Yendri Falo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0207.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Mukhlis Akbar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0208.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Mukhlis Akbar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0209.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Febri P | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0210.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Febri P | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0211.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | MOHAMAD FIRDAUS | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0212.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | MOHAMAD FIRDAUS | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0213.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Muhammad Luthfi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0214.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Muhammad Luthfi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0215.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fathia Lutfiananda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0216.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Fathia Lutfiananda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0217.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Gunawan Wisnu Wardhana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0218.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0219.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Jedi Jamari Manullang | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0220.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Khairullah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0221.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Izzuddin Muhammad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0222.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Moh. Fahry Djuraini | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0223.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Nur Laily Fauziyah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0224.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Dwi Prabowo YS | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0225.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Nikmatul Kasanah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0226.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Iklila Rahmatika | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0227.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Yunita Ratih Wijayanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0228.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Aprizal Verdyansyah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0229.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Muhammad Rizqy Septyandy | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0230.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rani Fitri Febriyanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0231.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Husein Nashrulllah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0232.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Panji Mahyatar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0233.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Wini Prayogi Abdila | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0234.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Agriarso Wahyu Septiawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0235.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Adenna Nurrahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0236.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Bayu Elwantyo Bagus Dewantoro | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0267.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rifnaldi Bergas Anggara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0268.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Rifnaldi Bergas Anggara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0269.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | Amaliyah Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0270.P/Geoaccess/II/2023 | PUTRI ELVIDA | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0304.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nisa Zafirah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0305.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nisa Zafirah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0306.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Fariz Aditya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0307.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Fiqri Ardiansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0308.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yogo Setiadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0309.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rangga Prawira | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0310.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Taufik Mubarak | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0311.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | H.M.Mardani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0312.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Marga Sawelinggi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0313.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Wahyu Dwi Setyawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0314.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mohamad Fahrul Himalaya Umar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0315.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Kristina Resmi Setiani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0316.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Kristina Resmi Setiani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0317.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Aditya Januar Noor Sahid | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0318.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Aditya Januar Noor Sahid | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0319.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ade Mulyawan, ST. MT. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0320.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ade Mulyawan, ST. MT. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0321.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Arriza Lukman Hadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0322.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Arriza Lukman Hadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0323.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Astried Faradyna | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0324.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Astried Faradyna | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0325.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Kemal Al Faridzi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0326.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Kemal Al Faridzi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0327.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hersanti Eko Ratnaningrum | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0328.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hersanti Eko Ratnaningrum | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0329.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rima Gusriana Harahap | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0330.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rima Gusriana Harahap | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0331.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Farisnayan Indragus Sugianto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0332.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Farisnayan Indragus Sugianto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0333.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Budiono Senen | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0334.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Budiono Senen | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0335.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Redho Muktadir | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0336.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Redho Muktadir | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0337.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Faisal Reza Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0338.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Faisal Reza Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0339.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Azzahra Putri Utami | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0340.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Azzahra Putri Utami | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0341.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dendy Sri Wibowo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0342.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dendy Sri Wibowo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0343.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Beata Christina | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0344.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Beata Christina | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0345.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ammar Baskara, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0346.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ammar Baskara, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0347.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ita Kurata Ayuni | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0348.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ita Kurata Ayuni | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0349.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Lutfi Fauzan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0350.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Lutfi Fauzan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0351.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Anindito Leksono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0352.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Anindito Leksono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0353.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Nurhadi Hadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0354.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Nurhadi Hadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0355.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Chandra Pratama Rulidha | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0356.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Chandra Pratama Rulidha | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0357.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rayhan Faizal Ghani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0358.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rayhan Faizal Ghani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0359.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mega Dharma Putra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0360.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mega Dharma Putra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0361.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Adnin Musadri Asbi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0362.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Adnin Musadri Asbi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0363.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Aqmal Nur Jihad | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0364.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Aqmal Nur Jihad | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0365.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Suryo Kusumo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0366.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Suryo Kusumo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0367.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Zaroh Irayani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0368.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Zaroh Irayani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0369.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | T. Rykard Yudha Pratama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0370.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | T. Rykard Yudha Pratama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0371.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Farhan Rahmatullah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0372.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Farhan Rahmatullah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0373.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dewi Kresnasari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0374.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dewi Kresnasari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0375.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yudi Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0376.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yudi Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0377.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ikhwan Alfiansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0378.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ikhwan Alfiansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0379.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Syahril | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0380.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Syahril | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0381.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Januardi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0382.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Januardi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0383.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Raihan Ramadhani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0384.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Raihan Ramadhani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0385.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Asrafil | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0386.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Asrafil | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0387.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Rizki Wicaksono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0388.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Rizki Wicaksono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0389.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Rizqy Septyandy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0390.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Rizqy Septyandy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0391.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Present Dwijan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0392.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Present Dwijan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0393.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Fajar Tegar Wahyudi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0394.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Fajar Tegar Wahyudi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0395.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Agus Iwan Santoso | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0396.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Agus Iwan Santoso | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0397.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ainun Pujo Wiryawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0398.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ainun Pujo Wiryawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0399.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Annisaa Mayangsari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0400.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Annisaa Mayangsari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0401.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Fernando Hero Alyandri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0402.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Fernando Hero Alyandri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0403.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Jackson Fernando Siahaan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0404.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Jackson Fernando Siahaan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0405.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Talitha Azzahra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0406.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Talitha Azzahra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0407.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ekhandoko Aji Wibowo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0408.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ekhandoko Aji Wibowo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0409.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hasvi Lestyarina | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0410.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hasvi Lestyarina | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0411.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Berliana Kusuma Dewi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0412.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Berliana Kusuma Dewi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0413.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Roni Cahya Ciputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0414.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Roni Cahya Ciputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0415.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mirzha Hanifah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0416.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mirzha Hanifah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0417.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Miftahush Shirothul Haq | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0418.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Miftahush Shirothul Haq | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0419.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0420.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0421.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ulung Primadi Gantara | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0422.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ulung Primadi Gantara | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0445.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Slamet Waluyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0446.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Prima Riliayunda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0447.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dwi Irfansyah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0448.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Reza Dwi Pranata | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0449.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yogi Aditya Duha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0450.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Caesaryo Arif Wibowo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0451.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nurdin Sulistiyono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0452.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Sahra Amalia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0453.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Farid Akhmad Rosadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0454.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dwi Heva Asmala Adila | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0455.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ilham Ananda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0456.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Agus | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0457.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Cyntia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0458.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Sayyidatul Khoiridah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0459.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dwi Puspa Arini | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0460.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ni Nyoman Puspa Gayatri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0461.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rakhman Fakhrian | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0462.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Lewi Zega | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0463.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Sella Lestari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0464.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Raja Al-Fath | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0465.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Reo Audi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0466.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Zulfikar Ahmad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0467.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Harmaen | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0468.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Okta Mulya Sari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0469.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | KALEB KRISTIAN KABAN | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0470.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Iqbal Nindo Turnip | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0471.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Budi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0472.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Namirah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0473.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nuraimmatul Faizah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0474.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ahmad Nurdin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0475.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Anindito Leksono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0476.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hedianto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0477.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yuniar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0478.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nur Muhammad Naufal | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0479.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Aida Fitri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0480.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Prayoga Adi Wiranto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0481.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | M. Nurhidayat | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0482.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ikhsan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0483.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | YUSRAN LATIMBA, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0484.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ulil | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0485.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Prima Islami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0486.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ahmad Fadlun Harianto Martino | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0487.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mohammad Ilham Muzakki | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0488.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nurisa Fajri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0489.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yessy Yuliaputri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0490.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rachmat Hidayat | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0491.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Amelia Fitri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0492.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Malai | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0493.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Alia Rahmi Nasution | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0494.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | YANWAR ISTIANTONO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0495.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Adhirama Pribadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0496.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hasni Hazami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0497.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Iqbal Habibie | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0498.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rafi Ramadhiansyah Putra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0499.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Munajat Nursaputra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0500.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Nurhadi Hadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0501.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Syifa Awalina Arya Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0502.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Salsabila Rosa Batubara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0503.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nisa Zafirah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0504.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Risanto Darmawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0505.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Reky Suhendar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0506.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nadya Daulay | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0507.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Bintang Galih Edi Prasojo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0508.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Edriyan Situmorang | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0509.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Agusta Pinem | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0510.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Habib | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0511.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ekhandoko Aji Wibowo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0512.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Diah Pertami, S.Si | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0513.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Asa Bintang Kapiarsa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0514.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ani Amalia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0515.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Edna | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0523.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Slamet Waluyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0524.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Prima Riliayunda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0525.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dwi Irfansyah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0526.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Reza Dwi Pranata | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0527.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yogi Aditya Duha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0528.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Caesaryo Arif Wibowo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0529.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nurdin Sulistiyono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0530.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Sahra Amalia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0531.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Farid Akhmad Rosadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0532.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dwi Heva Asmala Adila | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0533.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ilham Ananda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0534.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Agus | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0535.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Cyntia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0536.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Sayyidatul Khoiridah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0537.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Dwi Puspa Arini | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0538.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ni Nyoman Puspa Gayatri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0539.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rakhman Fakhrian | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0540.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Lewi Zega | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0541.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Sella Lestari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0542.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Raja Al-Fath | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0543.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Reo Audi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0544.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Zulfikar Ahmad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0545.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Harmaen | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0546.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Okta Mulya Sari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0547.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | KALEB KRISTIAN KABAN | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0548.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Iqbal Nindo Turnip | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0549.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Budi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0550.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Namirah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0551.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nuraimmatul Faizah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0552.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ahmad Nurdin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0553.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Anindito Leksono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0554.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hedianto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0555.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yuniar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0556.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nur Muhammad Naufal | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0557.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Aida Fitri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0558.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Prayoga Adi Wiranto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0559.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | M. Nurhidayat | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0560.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ikhsan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0561.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | YUSRAN LATIMBA, S.T. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0562.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ulil | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0563.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Prima Islami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0564.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ahmad Fadlun Harianto Martino | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0565.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mohammad Ilham Muzakki | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0566.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nurisa Fajri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0567.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Yessy Yuliaputri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0568.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rachmat Hidayat | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0569.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Amelia Fitri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0570.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Malai | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0571.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Alia Rahmi Nasution | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0572.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | YANWAR ISTIANTONO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0573.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Adhirama Pribadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0574.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hasni Hazami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0575.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Iqbal Habibie | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0576.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rafi Ramadhiansyah Putra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0577.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Munajat Nursaputra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0578.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Nurhadi Hadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0579.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Syifa Awalina Arya Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0580.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Salsabila Rosa Batubara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0581.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nisa Zafirah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0582.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Risanto Darmawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0583.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Reky Suhendar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0584.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Nadya Daulay | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0585.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Bintang Galih Edi Prasojo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0586.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Edriyan Situmorang | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0587.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Agusta Pinem | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0588.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Habib | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0589.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ekhandoko Aji Wibowo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0590.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Diah Pertami, S.Si | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0591.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Asa Bintang Kapiarsa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0592.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ani Amalia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0593.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Edna | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0594.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mulyo Hadi Winoto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0595.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hartoni | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0596.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rangga Prawira | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0597.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Agus Susetyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0598.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Agriarso Wahyu Septiawan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0599.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Nanda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0600.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Julydio Windu Nugroho | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0601.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Catur Rian Nugraha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0602.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Agus Rifal Fahrudin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0603.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Farisnayan Indragus Sugianto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0604.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ida Bagus Oka Agastya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0605.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Arriza Lukman Hadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0606.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Hilmi Hasani Samsuri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0607.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Faisal Reza Saputra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0608.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Viona Yashinta | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0609.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Umar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0610.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Fajar Wicaksono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0611.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Isa Suryo Astanto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0612.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mukhlis Akbar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0613.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0614.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Rahmadia Fitri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0615.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ahmad Amiruddin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0616.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Ermie | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0617.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Mudhalifana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0618.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Arief Abdurrahman Hakim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0619.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | WAHYU CATUR ADINUGROHO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0620.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | M. Rafli Akbar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0621.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Muhammad Rizqy Septyandy | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0622.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Khairil Asnan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0623.P/Geoaccess/III/2023 | Asih Sekar Sesama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0680.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Labib Lukman Hakim | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0681.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Labib Lukman Hakim | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0692.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Dede Opan Ungsiana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0693.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Victor Manotar Pademan Manalu, S.P., M.Si. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0694.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Saepul Milah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0695.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Namirah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0696.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Edna | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0697.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Hisyam Alauddin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0698.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ahmad Nurdin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0699.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Aida Fitri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0700.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Anggada Bima Satya Wibowo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0701.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Mega Septia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0702.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Mujiyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0703.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ahmad Fauzi Budjang | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0704.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Arif Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0705.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Amirul Ardi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0706.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Muhammad Iqbal Habibie | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0707.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Laurentius Kuncoro Probo Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0708.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Aswar Rustam | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0709.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ida Bagus Gede Paramartha Dharma Siddhyarta | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0710.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Jerry Afrimsa Sijabat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0711.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | ETI RAHMAWATI, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0712.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Sella Lestari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0713.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Meiliasyari Wiliandani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0714.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ivan Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0715.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Rizqi Rizaldi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0716.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Titik Firmantini | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0717.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Mukti Triyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0718.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Salman Alfarisi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0719.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Mustovia Azahro | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0720.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Lula Marchsyanda Adiputri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0721.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Adit Muhamad Nur Alam | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0722.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Arifki Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0723.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Helmi Agustian | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0724.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Rahmad Yuhendra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0725.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Shafa Monica Laksono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0726.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Muhammad Arfan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0727.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ken Haidar Shadra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0728.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Endik Deni Nugroho | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0729.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | WAWAN KURNIAWAN | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0730.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Finna Fitriana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0731.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Nabilah Kamal | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0732.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Suvany Aprilia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0733.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Yuniar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0734.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Novandy Bong | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0735.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Istin Rizqi Alfiannanda | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0736.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Jihan Dewanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0737.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Adhitya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0738.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Rofif Fadhlurrahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0739.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Agung Nugroho Ramadhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0740.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Umar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0741.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Fiona Damaianti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0742.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Raziv Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0743.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Alvin Rizq | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0744.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Elsa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0745.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Rian Iskandar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0746.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Azura Ulfa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0747.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | I Dewa Made Agung Arya Dwiyana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0748.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Immanuel Jhonson A. Saragih | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0749.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Muhammad Fahreza | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0750.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Maisy Pramaisella | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0751.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Mahfudz | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0752.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ikhwan Alfiansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0753.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Nadila Simahate | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0754.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Wawan Dwi Handoko | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0755.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Fisher | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0756.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Slamet Waluyo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0757.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Aisyah Sri Rejeki | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0758.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Wahyu Ramdhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0759.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ibrahim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0760.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ikhsan Rahmawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0761.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Ananda Pratama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0762.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Dwi Puspa Arini | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0763.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Marco Hadisurya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0764.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Wahyu Sugeng Triadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0765.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Brandon Aristo Verick Purba | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0766.P/Geoaccess/IV/2023 | Dedy Bagus Pramudi Wardana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0770.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dede Opan Ungsiana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0771.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Victor Manotar Pademan Manalu, S.P., M.Si. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0772.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Saepul Milah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0773.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Namirah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0774.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Edna | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0775.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Hisyam Alauddin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0776.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ahmad Nurdin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0777.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Aida Fitri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0778.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Anggada Bima Satya Wibowo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0779.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mega Septia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0780.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mujiyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0781.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ahmad Fauzi Budjang | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0782.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Arif Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0783.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Amirul Ardi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0784.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Iqbal Habibie | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0785.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Laurentius Kuncoro Probo Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0786.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Aswar Rustam | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0787.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ida Bagus Gede Paramartha Dharma Siddhyarta | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0788.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Jerry Afrimsa Sijabat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0789.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | ETI RAHMAWATI, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0790.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Sella Lestari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0791.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Meiliasyari Wiliandani | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0792.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ivan Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0793.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rizqi Rizaldi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0794.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Titik Firmantini | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0795.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mukti Triyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0796.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Salman Alfarisi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0797.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mustovia Azahro | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0798.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Lula Marchsyanda Adiputri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0799.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Adit Muhamad Nur Alam | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0800.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Arifki Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0801.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Helmi Agustian | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0802.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rahmad Yuhendra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0803.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Shafa Monica Laksono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0804.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Arfan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0805.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ken Haidar Shadra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0806.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Endik Deni Nugroho | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0807.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | WAWAN KURNIAWAN | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0808.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Finna Fitriana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0809.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Nabilah Kamal | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0810.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Suvany Aprilia | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0811.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Yuniar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0812.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Novandy Bong | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0813.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Istin Rizqi Alfiannanda | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0814.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Jihan Dewanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0815.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Adhitya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0816.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rofif Fadhlurrahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0817.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Agung Nugroho Ramadhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0818.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Umar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0819.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fiona Damaianti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0820.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Raziv Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0821.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Alvin Rizq | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0822.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Elsa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0823.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rian Iskandar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0824.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Azura Ulfa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0825.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | I Dewa Made Agung Arya Dwiyana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0826.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Immanuel Jhonson A. Saragih | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0827.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Fahreza | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0828.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Maisy Pramaisella | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0829.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mohamad Mahfudz | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0830.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ikhwan Alfiansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0831.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Nadila Simahate | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0832.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Wawan Dwi Handoko | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0833.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fisher | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0834.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Slamet Waluyo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0835.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Aisyah Sri Rejeki | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0836.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Wahyu Ramdhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0837.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ibrahim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0838.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ikhsan Rahmawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0839.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ananda Pratama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0840.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dwi Puspa Arini | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar - Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0841.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Marco Hadisurya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0842.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Wahyu Sugeng Triadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0843.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Brandon Aristo Verick Purba | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0844.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dedy Bagus Pramudi Wardana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0845.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Achmad Arvy Fachrully | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0846.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Amar Siddiq | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0847.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Abdullah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0848.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Parandita Anisa Fatah Murbana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0849.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Wahyu Dwi Setyawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0850.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Arriza Lukman Hadi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0851.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Abdullah Syafi'e | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0852.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ranu Fajar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0853.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Edwin Maulana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0854.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rangga Pratama Putra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0855.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Agriarso Wahyu Septiawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0856.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | HARDUS PADENDENAN | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0857.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mauludin Kurniawan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0858.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Hilmi Hasani Samsuri | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0859.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Septian Ardi Rimbawanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0860.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Bima Fatwa Muharram | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0861.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Arma Effendi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0862.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Didik Priyo Utomo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0863.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | RICKY PRATAMA | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0864.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Agustinus Haryanto Pattiraja | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0865.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rofiatul Mutmainah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0866.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Bramantya Widigrahito | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0867.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Erik Febriarta Febriarta | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0868.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Andika Putra Kunigara | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0869.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Yurzam Abdillah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0870.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Reynal Bramasta Lamasigi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0871.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Syaeful Rahmat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0872.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Saniscara Phratama Kameswara Tunggadewa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0873.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Abdul Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0874.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Maftuh Ahnan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0875.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fajar Wicaksono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0876.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Tommy Immanuel Siahaan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0877.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Youlanda | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0878.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Aulia H. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0879.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rizky Dian Ramadhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0880.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Lieonardo Novendo Utomo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0881.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ardhito | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0882.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Febry | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0883.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Jeremia Hutauruk | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0884.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dimas Maula Hauat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0885.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Archyuda Farchan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0886.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | M. Nurhidayat | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0887.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Afriansyah Mahendra Putra, S.T | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0888.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0889.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rio Ary Sandy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0890.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Zelin Resiana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0891.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ismail Hendra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0892.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | MUHAMMAD MIFTAKHUL HUDA | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0893.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Yunita Ratih Wijayanti | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0894.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Akhmad Singgih | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0895.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Melisa Todingan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0896.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Bellatrix Indah Pratiwi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0897.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Christian Cahyono | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0898.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Prawitasari Nur Lathifa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0899.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muh. Darmawan Basoka | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0900.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Riyanti Maharani Ilyas | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0901.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Johny | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0902.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Yulia Indri Astuty | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0903.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Yehezkiel Christian Purnomo | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0904.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ach Albar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0905.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Euis Etty Alhakim | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0906.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Rizqy Septyandy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0907.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Farouq Ghazali Matondang | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0908.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dwi Prabowo YS | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0909.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Hardianti Alimuddin | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0910.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mohammad Gerhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0911.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Tegar Ramadhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0912.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0913.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Nur Muhammad | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0945.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Abdul Hakim | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
0946.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Abdul Hakim | Google Earth Engine | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Meeting Room Antologi - Yogyakarta |
0949.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Nursida Arif | Google Earth Engine | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0950.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Silman Waliyya Albar | Google Earth Engine | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0951.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Silman Waliyya Albar | Geographic Information System | Private | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0952.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Garnisa Prima Nida Devi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0953.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Tristiayu Permata Dwiputri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0954.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Raziv Rahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0955.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Tri Abdi Fauzi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0956.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dewandha Mas Agastya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0957.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Aida Fitri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0958.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | AYA BANGUN | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0959.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Nanda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0960.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Adlan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0961.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Moh. Fahry Djuraini | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0962.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rahmad Ade Arianto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0963.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ni Nyoman Puspa Gayatri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0964.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Maulana Yudinugroho | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0965.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Asti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0966.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Tegar Ramadhan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0967.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Euis | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0968.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ani Amalia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0969.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rico Vikraldo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0970.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Anugrah Aditya Insani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0971.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rahadyan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0972.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Futikha Nur Tsalitsah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0973.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Nur Hidayat | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0974.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Luqeeto Lazuardi Nur | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0975.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Jiddan Al Bajili | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0976.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fadel Muhammad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0977.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Aprilius Nadzario Mulya Clara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0978.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Adisa Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0979.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Utami | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0980.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Farah Nadhilah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0981.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Amalia Nurwijayanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0982.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fathi Aditya Cahya Adhinugraha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0983.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fahmi Idris Firdaus, S.T., M.Si. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0984.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Rais Fahd Al Hakim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0985.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | MERU SIGIT ESTIONO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0986.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Farchan Fathoni | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0987.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dhika Aprillia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0988.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Rizky Priatama Nugraha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0989.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Lalu Achmad Tan Tilar WSK. | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0990.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Feby Artani Kusumadjati | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0991.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Idham Rahadian | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0992.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Hisyam Alauddin | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0993.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | M Paschalia Judith J | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0994.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Abdhullah Syawalbhi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0995.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Andika Putra Kunigara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0996.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | I Gede Sakti Bhujangga | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0997.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Arvin Kresnaufal | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0998.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Phalita Nurhandini Ariibah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
0999.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Jeffy Immanuel Gunadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1000.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Septrial Arafat | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1001.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Salsabila Nur | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1002.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Boy Rangga | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1003.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rifa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1004.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dimas Hutomo Putro | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1005.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Septian Ardi Rimbawanto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1006.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mohammad Rizal | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1007.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Abdul Wahab | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1008.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Yessi Carolina | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1009.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Widi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1010.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dewi Sri Jayanti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1011.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Esmeralda | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1012.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Utik Tri Wulan Cahya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1013.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dewa Risky Mediano | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1014.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Finna Fitriana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1015.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Hamzah Wrehatnala | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1016.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Alvin Rizq | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1017.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Boy | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1018.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Nursida Arif | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1019.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Adih Ahmad Rinaldi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1020.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Arry Prasetya Nugraha | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1021.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rianita Pertiwi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1022.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fadly | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1023.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ade Brian Mustafa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1024.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhamad Fani Al Fikri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1025.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Gevni Valentine Monica Toisuta | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1026.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Qalbi Hafiyyan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1027.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Niara Sari Sevania Simarmata | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1028.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Andreas | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1029.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Alvian Febry Anggana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1030.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Fito Bayubaskara | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1031.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Agung Rahmad Setiadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1032.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Al Azizu Saifulloh | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1033.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ulfah Karmila Sari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1034.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Mohammad Alfian | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1035.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ananda Erysia | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1036.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rachmadhiya Salsabila | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1037.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Eko Cahyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1038.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rozifatul Zulfa | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1039.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | David Firman Ferdinan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1040.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Wawan Dwi Handoko | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1041.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muh. Fachrul Razy | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1042.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Beni Iskandar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1043.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Saidah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1044.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Ardiyansyah Purnama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1045.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Rizki Wicaksono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1046.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Alfian Dwi Cahyo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1047.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Desri Hanifah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1048.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Timotius Nugroho | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1049.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Siti Nur Farihah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1050.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Adhitya | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1051.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Aulia Miftahul Jannah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1052.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | WAHYULLAH YULLAH | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1053.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Lysa Dora Ayu Nugraini | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1054.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Bayu Saputra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1055.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Tony Wahyudi, SP., M.Si | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1056.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Fandy Balbo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1057.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Arinta Hapsari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1058.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Alfiatun Nur Khasanah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1059.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Finlan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1060.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Bayu Pramadya Kurniawan Sakti | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1061.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Amrin Hakim | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1062.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Adiyaksa Prasidapati | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1063.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Ryan Aqillah | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1064.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Angga | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1065.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Rachmatullah M | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1066.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Nining Permatasari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1067.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Muhammad Nurhalik | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1068.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Tiara Nusa Putri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1069.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Efrinda Ari Ayuningtyas | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1070.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Taufiq Hidayat Ilyas | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1071.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dian Cahyana Putra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1072.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Yanuar Bayu Saputra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1073.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Afinafghani Duta Pratama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1074.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Violetta Audrey Maharani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1075.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Yekti Nugraheni | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1076.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Krisnadi Cahyo Yuliardi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1077.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dalfa Laila Fauziah Zahra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1078.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Dwi Putra Setyanto | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1079.P/Geoaccess/V/2023 | Arya Jaya Kusuma | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1089.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Muh. Darmawan Basoka | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1090.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Izzuddin Muhammad | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1091.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | TATAG BUDI WIBOWO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1092.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Yuli Agnes Karmila | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1093.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Winayu Aning | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1094.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Samsul Muarrif | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1095.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Caesaryo Arif Wibowo | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1096.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | YANWAR ISTIANTONO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1097.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Aji Sartono | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1098.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | M Rafly Abdillah Noorie | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1099.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Agusta Pinem | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1100.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Luthfi Amer | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1101.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Ratri Ma'rifatun Nisaa' | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1102.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Muhammad Iqbal Habibie | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1103.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Brandon Aristo Verick Purba, S.Hut | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1104.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Jeremia Hutauruk | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1105.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1106.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Ramon Putra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1107.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Prasetya Prio Utama | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1108.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Iyas Tristan Andriyan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1109.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Anissa Zuhrita | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1110.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Ari Sentani | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1111.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Dwi Puspa Arini | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1112.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Muhammad Adam Suni | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1113.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | MIKHAEL LAYUK | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1114.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Sella Lestari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1115.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Niara Sari Sevania Simarmata | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1116.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Febri P | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1117.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Muhammad Adnan Kautsar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1118.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Edwin Maulana | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1119.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Arriza Lukman Hadi | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1138.P/Geoaccess/VI/2023 | Aiko Sarasvaty Prabowo | Geographic Information System | Private | Dasar | General Aplications | Crônica Creative Workspace, Yogyakarta |
1203.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Immanuel Jhonson A. Saragih | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1204.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Alfabiansyah Sean | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1205.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Ravi Ratrianto | Geographic Information System | Private | Lanjutan | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1212.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Hanandy Yanuar Loekman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1213.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Ahmad Wisaksono Setyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1214.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Fatwa Dinnabhan | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1215.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Adityo Nugroho | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1216.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Rengga Ade Saputra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1217.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Bagus Tri Ardaya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1218.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Choiruddin Alfi | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1219.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Arya Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1220.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Yudha Aprilianto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1221.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Anjani Prameswara | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1222.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Muhammad Nabil Aulia Akbar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1223.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Christian Adhe Nugraha Putra | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1224.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Gelby Calista Syahzwa | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1225.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | I Ketut Ari Pegatariana | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1226.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Agung | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1227.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Elisabeth Anna | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1228.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | AYA BANGUN | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1229.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Ikhwan Alfiansyah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1230.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | MUHAMMAD ABDUL NASSER | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1231.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Arry Prasetya Nugraha | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1232.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Titik Firmantini | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1233.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Ulfah Karmila Sari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1234.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Muh. Faruq Fauzan B. Saiman, S.T. | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1235.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Muhammad Alif M | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1236.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Fernaldi Gradiyanto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1237.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | M Haikal Sanjaya | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1238.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Tjiong, Susilo Dinoto | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1239.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Ratri Ma'rifatun Nisaa' | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1240.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Riska Ayu Purnamasari | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1241.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Azhari Al Kautsar | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1242.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Muhammad Rizqy Septyandy | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1243.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Farhan Rahmatullah | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1244.P/Geoaccess/VII/2023 | Fahmi Arief Rahman | Geographic Information System | Reguler | Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1325.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | Yoas Lauren | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1326.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | Muhammad Siddiqirly | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1327.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | Hendri | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1328.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | Wigyasri Titiswari | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1329.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | Rendi Tri Saputra | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1330.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | Erlangga Pratama Nasir | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1331.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | TATAG BUDI WIBOWO | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1332.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | Khairil Anwar | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |
1333.P/Geoaccess/VIII/2023 | A. R. Ramadhan | Google Earth Engine | Reguler | Dasar dan Tematik | General Aplications | Zoom Meeting |